Rural Infrastructure Development (Region 2: Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West)
Rural Infrastructure Development is a strategic catalyst programme established to support rural communities to access socioeconomic development services through provision of rural infrastructure, working closely with provincial governments, municipalities, traditional councils and relevant stakeholders to facilitate the provision of rural infrastructure relating to the following:
- Construction of Agri-Parks, Farmer Production Support Units (FPSUs) and Agri-Hubs in line with the Agriculture and Agro-Processing Master Plan (AAMP). These FPSUs provide rural communities with a range of services such as mechanisation, inputs, pelleting machines for feed, silos to store grain, packhouses with refrigeration, access to extension and advisory services, veterinary services, training and information dissemination;
- Construction of rural infrastructure contributing to agricultural production through the Animal Veld Management Programme (AVMP) and River Valley Catalytic Programme (RVCP), e.g., bulk water irrigation schemes, fencing, animal handling facilities, dipping tanks and boreholes, among others; and
- Facilitate and implement the construction and grading of farm and village access roads.