- NW-TEN02(010)19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipment’s (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Bojanala district in the North West Province
- NW-TEN02(009)19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipment’s (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Dr Kenneth Kaunda district in the North West Province
- NW-TEN02(008)19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipment’s (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati district in the North West Province
- NW-TEN02(007)19/20: Appointment of a service provider to supply & deliver tractors, implements & equipment’s (mechanization) as & when required for a period of 36 months for Ngaka Modiri Molema district in the North West Province.
- SSC WC 28 (2018/2019) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider to supply and installation of twenty-five (25) new boat engines for the Vlei View primary cooperative and Arniston Fisherman primary cooperative both located in the Cape Agulhas Local Municipality within the Overberg District, Western Cape province.
- CONLP-03-0005 (2019/2020): Appointment of a contractor for the repairing of macena pack house at Muyexe village located within the jurisdiction of greater Giyani Local Municipality in Mopani District of Limpopo province
- NW-TEN02(006)19/20: Appointment of a service provider to assist with the purchase & delivery of sewing equipment / machinery & raw materials for a co-operative situated in Rustenburg Local Municipality Bojanala Platinum District within the North West Province
- SSC WC Q12 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider to repair nine (09) global satellite systems receivers (gnss) and one (01) trimble survey controller for the directorate: survey services ngi: Mowbray Western Cape. (once off)
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (729) 3T: Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of production material for sewing co-operative members in two district municipalities in Kwa-Zulu Natal
- DRDLR EC-005 (2019/2020): The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload water pumps (diesel) for Koukamma fpsu in Sarah Baartman district
- DRDLR EC-004 (2019/2020): The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload potato planter and potato harvester for Koukamma (misgund) fpsu in Sarah Baartman District
- DRDLR EC-003 (2019/2020): The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload irrigation equipment and pipes for Koukamma
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (722) 000R: Appointment of a contractor for the construction of a storage shed unit for Hopewell in the Harry Gwala District in the province of Kwazulu-Natal
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR- 0014 (2017/2018): Appointment of a Professional Service Provider to Train One Hundred and Fifty (150) AVMP Contract Workers in Gauteng Province on Application of Herbicides NQF Level 2 Over a Period of Five (Days)
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (670) 000R: Appointment of a service provider to render professional services for the compilation of business plans and provision of implementation support for a tomato paste factory proposed for Tugela Ferry in the province of Kwazulu-Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (661) 000R: Construction of Hlabisa Irrigation Scheme Storage Facility in Mtubatuba Local Municipality under uMkhanyakude District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (658) 000R: Professional service provider for the feasibility study, complete design and construction monitoring for iMfunda Yophongolo Irrigation Cluster one project in uMhlabuyalingana LM within uMkhanyakude DM in KZN
- 5/2/2/2/1-RDLR 0010 (2018/2019): Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department Of Rural Development And Land Reform (DRDLR) in the national office and nine (09) provinces with the of-site storage facility including collection and delivery for a period of five years
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR- 0040 (2018/2019): Appointment of a service provider to manage the land rights management facility established to provide legal and mediation services to labour tenants, farm dwellers, communal property institutions, restitution claimants and other land reform beneficiaries in nine provinces for the period of three years.
- 5/2/2/1-RDLR 0017 (2018/2019): Appointment of a service provider to provide operational and compliance audit projects at the department of rural development and land reform, for two audit projects as per the 2018/2019 annual internal audit plan
- SSC WC 08 (2017/2018): Drdlr For The Upgrading Of Internal Surfaces With The Associated Stormwater And Fencing, For Ceres Valley Fruit Situated In The Witzenberg Municipality, Western Cape Province Has Been Cancelled
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (635) 000R: Feasibility Study, Complete Design and Construction Monitoring for Rehabilitation of Mkhuzane FSPU In Richmond Local Municipality Within The UMgungundlovu District Municipality In The Province Of Kwazulu-Natal.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (622) 3T: Supply, delivery, assemble and installation of a toilet roll manufacturing machine and raw material for Zamokwakhe Trading Cooperative Limited situated in Ward 12 under Dannhauser Local Municipality within Amajuba District Municipality: KwaZulu-Natal
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (616) 000 R: Feasibility study, complete design and construction monitoring of farmer production support unit in Mooi River , Muden, High flat and Manchester Farm in various local Municipalities within the harry Gwala and Ilembe District Municipalities.
- SS-KZN 7/1/6/3 (573) 000R: Rehabilitation of the Mooi River Irrigation Canal, Phase 1: Completion: Kwazulu-Natal
- 5/2/2/2/1-RDLR 0150 (2018/2019): Appointment of a contractor for the installation of a 1.5km length welding mesh fence for the farmer production support unit (fpsu) in Mogale City West Rand District Municipality Gauteng province.
- 5/2/2/2/1 CON 0026 (2017/2018): Construction of 13 farm worker houses at Middelpos farm, Swartland Municipality in the western Cape Province. A tender for category 6GB or higher CIDB registered contractors
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0106 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Deliver Tractors and Related Implements to Various Projects in all Districts and Municipalities within the Northern Cape Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0099 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Deliver Tractors and Related Implements to Various Projects in all Districts and Municipalities within the Eastern Cape Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0097 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Livestock to Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Farmers in North West Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0096 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Livestock to Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Farmers in Western Cape Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0095 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Livestock to Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Farmers in Northern Cape Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0094 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Livestock to Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Farmers in Limpopo Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0093 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Livestock to Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Farmers in Kwazulu-Natal Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0085 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Production Inputs (Seeds, Seedlings, Fertilizers and Chemicals) for Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for Farmers in the Western Cape Province
- 5/2/2/1 RDLR-0083 (2016/2017): Appointment of Service Provider to Supply and Delivery of Production Inputs (Seeds, Seedlings, Fertilizers and Chemicals) for Department of Rural Development and Land Reform for Farmers in the Mpumalanga Province
- 5-2-2-1 RDLR-0051(2017/2018): Appointment of service provider to supply and deliver pig breeding stock, feed and medication for department of rural development and land reform as and when required for a period of 36 months to various districts and municipalities within the Gauteng province.
- 5/2/2/1-DRDLR 0092 (2017/2018): Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver sheep, feeds and medication as when & required for North West province for a period of 36 months
- 5/2/2/1 CON 0019 (2017/2018): Appointment of a contractor for the upgrading of the suurbraak wastewater treatment works, Swellendam in Western Cape province
- 5/2/1/2/4-2018/2019: The appointment of a service provider to provide research training for officials in the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights.
- DRDLR WC04 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider for the appointment of a service provider to update the topographic data for the chief directorate: national geospatial information, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray, Cape Town.
- DRDLR WC04 (2019/2020) DRDLR: The appointment of a service provider for the appointment of a service provider to update the topographic data for the chief directorate: national geospatial information, Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray, Cape Town.
- For more information please visit the old Tenders Section